Tassel and coin belt, circle skirts and harem pants, Ghawazee coats and turkish vests; my Muse will not stop!! She is relentless! Since she won't let me get onto any of the other half million projects I had on the go, dance costumes it is. (She alwyas gets her way!)
These are only two of the variations I have come up with. This one ----}
is by far my favorite. The base of the Ghawazee coat is from the Al-Zahra's Coat pattern I mentioned last year in the blog. I didn't like the sleeves on it, so I invented my own! They feature a cut out portion on the upper arm and a flowing section of lined gorgeous fabric draping from above the elbow, creating visual movement when one dances. (Which sadly, I still need to learn how to do!)
The tassel belt is my own design, but the coin belt under is purchased (gasp) and not made by me. I love hand sewing, but that was a little too much even for me. The circle skirt is wide and matches the plaquard of material peeking out on the neckline, and would look awesome with a coin bra. (I'm getting to it, I promise...)
The next one is simple by comparison. Layered over the same skirt and top as the previous costume, this sleeveless variety would be much better
**I didn't make the super cool belt with all the charms and coins. That I purchased last year at the local Ukerainian Festival. So very neat!
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