Musing's of the Niblet

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Life Worth Living

There are so many people in this world that drive me crazy. You know the ones, the self ritious ones that think that the world revolves around them. Only they have issues, problems and hardships and the rest of us small people would never comprehend such things.

Always makes me wonder how they have it so hard or bad. They are usually healthy, employed, talented people that are surrounded by those that love them but chose to push them away, chose to spit on all they have. Nothing is or ever has been good enough. Drives me crazy.

There are people in this world, we all know them, the true fighters. The ones with illness or disease, the ones that are dying, the ones that leave the earth well before their time. They didnt even have the chance at a long life maybe, and there are those that sit here and waste there's, the beautiful life that has been gifted to them. They didnt have the choice to bitch about every little thing, and moan and complain that life has no meaning. They didnt get a chance at life at all.

What makes life worth living? What gives it all meaning? I was recently told a story of an elderly woman who had lost her husband almost ten years ago. She had a dream recently that her husband was about to give her a kiss and them awakened to discover he wasnt there. She was crushed and very sad. She would give anything for another moment with him, and yet there are those that squander every precious second of every single day. Whats it all worth? Every single breath we have thats what. Every single beat of your heart and every single day we have left.

I would love nothing better than to scream these things to the ones that can't see the beauty of the world and of the timethat is so fleeting and the light that exstinguishes all too soon, who revolve around themselves and exist only to not exist at all.

But there's life to live, and I'm off to live it.

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