Musing's of the Niblet

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A good garden is like a good book - you always enjoy starting it again

Another season is dawning on the horizon and I couldnt be happier. With a plethagora of garden ideas in my ever growing aresenal, I await warmer days with bated breath.

Of course with the snow melting, the bees will be waking up soon and we'll be in full swing at the honey farm. Hopefully a good year awaits for the honey business and the weather is good for a change.

I've been trying to find a reputable online course for writing, but with so many options out there I must admit I have no idea where to go. I have been writing on and off for years now, but I really need to sink my teeth into some education on the subject and polish it up. Besides, it could be fun to write a book or two. Can you imagine, getting your own fiction published?

Alas, it will be a little while yet but until then I will keep writing. Who knows maybe I'll share a tale or two on here.

1 comment:

  1. Neato! I like your garden article: and I can't wait to see what you create this year!
