Musing's of the Niblet

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Miserable Day? Time for online shopping!!

I love shopping online. How can it be beat? You find the perfect item, order it quickly, forget about it just as fast and then like a month later, it's like Christmas in March!! (Well actually it is like Christmas in March...stupid snow!!)

I'd been eyeing up a really cool looking pattern online for Gypsy/Belly Dancing costumes. (No, I dont dance but I would like to. One of the New Years resolutions I plan to get to sometime before the next New Year.) So of course being stuck inside on a miserable day gave me plenty excuse to order it up. Now if only I knew how to sew better...

Admittedly, I dont sew a lot, in fact barely at all. But as my mother would tell you, that has never stopped me from finding a million patterns and bringing them to her doorstep with a thousand ideas and no clue how to get there. (If you guessed that my mother did the lion's share of the work then you're right on the money! I usually make sandwiches or make myself otherwise useful. I mean I'm not lazy I just cant sew!)

Here I am again, full of ideas on a grey March day, spinning my wheels until the pattern gets here and I wont have a clue what to do when it does. (Should have paid better attention in Home Ec class!)

Maybe mom will give me some pointers...I'll bring the sandwiches...grilled cheese anyone?

Today I build an Ark...or a Pirate ship?

Well Spring is once again here and with it the inevitable flooding that it brings. Top it off with more snow on the forcast, a blocked ditch culvert and two large dogs that are cranky they cant go outside and you have the makings of a very somber Wednesday. Oh well at least the dogs have the energy to seranade me!
Well maybe I should get busy building an ark, dont think its going to dry up anytime soon. Maybe I should build a pirate ship instead...Hmmmm.....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A good garden is like a good book - you always enjoy starting it again

Another season is dawning on the horizon and I couldnt be happier. With a plethagora of garden ideas in my ever growing aresenal, I await warmer days with bated breath.

Of course with the snow melting, the bees will be waking up soon and we'll be in full swing at the honey farm. Hopefully a good year awaits for the honey business and the weather is good for a change.

I've been trying to find a reputable online course for writing, but with so many options out there I must admit I have no idea where to go. I have been writing on and off for years now, but I really need to sink my teeth into some education on the subject and polish it up. Besides, it could be fun to write a book or two. Can you imagine, getting your own fiction published?

Alas, it will be a little while yet but until then I will keep writing. Who knows maybe I'll share a tale or two on here.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Blog for me? You shouldn't have!!

Well at long last I have taken the technological plunge as it were and made myself a Blog. Imagine, the Niblet among the bits and bytes out here in Cyberspace! Hard to fathom if you know me and you know my tepid feelings regarding technology!

Today finds me wandering around listlessly trying in vain to grab the small shards of Spring that are awakening but failing miserably. It's just not warm/unfrozen enough yet to yet too excited about it, but at the same time it's gotten into my blood that it's almost here. So now I am twitchy and bored and as we all know twitchy and bored DO NOT mix!!

Tune in to see what fiasco I get myself into in the pusuit of quelling the gnawing feeling in my veins driving me insane: the first days of Spring.