I'd been eyeing up a really cool looking pattern online for Gypsy/Belly Dancing costumes. (No, I dont dance but I would like to. One of the New Years resolutions I plan to get to sometime before the next New Year.) So of course being stuck inside on a miserable day gave me plenty excuse to order it up. Now if only I knew how to sew better...
Admittedly, I dont sew a lot, in fact barely at all. But as my mother would tell you, that has never stopped me from finding a million patterns and bringing them to her doorstep with a thousand ideas and no clue how to get there. (If you guessed that my mother did the lion's share of the work then you're right on the money! I usually make sandwiches or make myself otherwise useful. I mean I'm not lazy I just cant sew!)
Here I am again, full of ideas on a grey March day, spinning my wheels until the pattern gets here and I wont have a clue what to do when it does. (Should have paid better attention in Home Ec class!)
Maybe mom will give me some pointers...I'll bring the sandwiches...grilled cheese anyone?