Musing's of the Niblet

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!!

It's my 28th birthday today and what a great day so far! Got a nice day weather wise instead of rain, worked outside at my favorite job, Spring Bee work, and my super awesome hubby is taking me for dinner and drinks tonight. Plus I got presents at work today AND I get cake and coffee tommorow night with my family AND Friday drinks with the girls. Spoiled or what? How many days of birthdays does one really need? ( a million?)

So off I go to start the 28th year, it's going to be a great one!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring has Sprung...and it's dirty!!

If you think your house is in need of some much deserved Spring cleaning, nothing will make this statement more true than a muddy Lab dog prancing through the kitchen with a smile on her face. Great. Springtime or "Mudtime" has arrived. Oh well, what can you do?

So tommorow's my B-Day, can't believe its that time of year again. Dont really feel older but I suppose what does old feel like? Does it feel like cotton? Like a cold? (Too much coffee today, I so sorry ;)

Got my Aster seedlings transplanted and the Gaillardia perenials I started in March are HUGE and taking up my window space. Should be a ton going into the garden, of course my green thumb swells with pride.

So off to work I go, the start of the Bee season upon us and lets hope its a good one.